Tuesday, April 08, 2008

9 Things I Think I Think On April 8, 2008

I've been thinking....

1. Why are the most famous assassinations in American history still unsolved? We just honored the 40th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., and I learn that several of his family members and Andrew Young, who was on the balcony with King when he was shot, don't think James Earl Ray did it. They think it was a conspiracy among local Memphis police, the Mafia, and of course, the CIA. Seems there was some guy "Raoul" supposedly pulled the trigger and framed Ray. I don't know, I'm as big a conspiracy buff as anyone, but if Ray didn't do it, why the hell was he on the run for two months? They caught him in London for crying out loud. They have a gun with his fingerprints on it and all this other evidence. What do people need, a videotape? JFK, on the other hand, is another story entirely. Now THAT was a conspiracy.

2. Is this it? Work, come home, go to bed, get up, go to work, come home, vacation twice a year, grow old, get sick, die. I mean, is this IT? Fuck.

3. Add Battlestar Galactica to the shows I wish I watched before they ended. Back in the day, I watched the original. Scott Bakula played Starbuck and Lorne Greene, a/k/a the White Helmet, led what was left of the human race. I really dug the Cylons, I even extorted a toy spaceship from my parents for Christmas. Then Sister T. was born and I couldn't play with it anymore because it shot these little red missiles when you pushed a button on the wing, and my mother was worried they were so small that Sister T. might find one and choke on it. Or maybe I'm mixing that toy up with my Micronauts. They both shot small plastic missiles.

Um, what was I talking about again?

4. Charlton Heston's dead. I really liked him in his younger years, before he became an NRA looney tunes. He lived a long talented life and may he rest in peace. I guess they can take that gun from him now. (Props to amigo Austin on that one.)

5. Query: is it better to examine oneself or to live a life of ignorant bliss? I'm constantly wondering about this. There seem to be so many happy and fulfilled people who seem wholly content with living the way things are, without self-criticism, without self-analysis, and without asking any questions about their life choices and the path they're on. Are they deluded or am I?

6. What is it with Texas and cults? And what is it with cults and polygamy? And what is it with polygamy and pioneer dresses? And what is it the 14 year old girls in pioneer dresses and bunned up hair being forced to marry six geezers apiece? And why does it take so long to take out this garbage?

7. How 'bout that Iraqi Army! Five years of U.S. Army training and we've finally gotten them to the point where they take lunch breaks during firefights, refuse to fight against their Shiite "brothers" in the Sadr militia, voluntarily surrender their weapons to the same said "brothers," and require the U.S. military to bail them out of virtually every serious battle. Money and time well spent. They should be ready in, oh... uh, NEVER.

8. Nothing. I've got nothing for number 8. My mind is totally clear. I feel perfect oneness with the universe. Ommmmm.

Oh shit, it's gone. That was quick.

9. File this under "Damn, That's Creepy." Yesterday, a 69 year-old man who received a heart transplant twelve years ago and married the donor's 28 year-old widow(!) died the exact same way the donor did. He shot himself. I guess it's true what they say: The heart wants what the heart wants.

[10. Bonus: Happy Birthday Nonna, wherever you are]


  1. Anonymous7:06 PM

    "[I]s it better to examine oneself or to live a life of ignorant bliss?"

    Ironically, the question itself calls for a little introspection.

    As for Charlton Heston, I think it would have been poetic had they actually tried to bury him with his gun, and someone come along with a crow-bar and literally pry the gun from his cold dead hands.

    Guess we have to wait for SNL.

  2. You're right, that was a bit circular of me. Oh, I'm betting Chuck has at least a .45 in there with him. You never know what kind of miscreants you're going to have to face down in the afterlife.

  3. So many people have made some variation of the 'prying' comment, it's neither amusing nor clever.

    As for number 9, that is creepy indeed.

  4. Hey Shan, long time no see, welcome back. I disagree with you on the joke. I found it both amusing and clever the first time I heard it. So you'll have to pry that joke from my cold, dead hands.
