Friday, June 06, 2008

Gino Fever

Meet Gino. Gino can dance. He's got the moves. He's got the grooves. Gino's an old American Bandstand dancer. For you kids out there, American Bandstand is a dance show that Dick Clark used to host in the 1970s and 80s. I don't think it's on anymore. For some inexplicable reason, the Boston Celtic brass decided it would be fun to play an old AB disco clip during timeouts at Celtics games.

The chosen song: Shake Your Booty, by K.C. and the Sunshine Band. (Family factoid: When Sister J. was little, she confused the line and sang "Shake your Boob-ies" instead. I like her version better.) Watch those disco hips sway, watch those feet kick! Oh and here comes Gino! A wiggy white guy with a perpetual smile who's feelin' the funk. Afro haircut? Check. Isaac the Love Boat bartender beard? Check. Tight, crotch-hugging bellbottom pants? Check. Chest-constricting, sleeveless t-shirt two sizes too small with your own name on it? Check. Show 'em what you've got, Gino!

Oh yeah, the Celtics are up 1-0 in the Finals against the Lakers. I'm sure Gino's pleased, wherever he is. Then again, he looks more like a Laker fan.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Gino? You sure that's not Cat Stevens, man?
