Thursday, June 12, 2008

Yeah, I'm Still Here

Here are five quick and dirty reasons why I haven't posted anything original in more than a week:

1. It's been too damn hot to do anything but sleep, drink water, and drool in front of the television. Heat waves and New York City do not mix well.

2. I've been a little preoccupied with my Boston Celtics. They haven't been in the NBA Finals in over 20 years, so this year's been a time warp for me -- back to the 80s, the last time they made it this far. I've caught almost every playoff game, at a time when I'm usually focused on baseball. If they don't win two more games, I will lament my lost time and wasted emotional investment. Hmmmm. Much like my former relationships.

3. I've immersed myself in the bacchalania that is the Summer Associate Program at my law firm. Sailing on the Hudson, bowling at Bowlmor, a softball game tonight in Central Park, and entirely too much drinking. I haven't come to work hung over on a Wednesday in a long time, and yesterday I realized that I don't particularly enjoy it. Me old bones can't handle it. Ah, to be young and responsibility-free again!

4. Recently, most of my writing has been devoted to my Gotham class, as I've been trying real hard not to embarrass myself. My second submission is due this Saturday. It's pretty short -- only 5 pages -- but that makes it even harder to pass the laugh test. Someday (Someday!) I'll post them on here. I have no idea why I'm more shy about doing that than posting entries about losing my hair and not getting laid regularly.

5. It's summer!!! Seriously, do I really want to be inside on a Saturday when I can be out looking at bare legs and stuffed halter tops?

I promise, I'll get my act together soon. In the meantime, try some crispy crabcakes.


  1. How is the class going? I actually missing the having to write...I've been a bad bad writer.

  2. It's almost over - Fiction II was much better than Fiction I. I've learned a lot.
