Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Why Thank You, Senator Dilan!

As some of you may know, my birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks. I'm going to be turning 40, so it's a big one. Gonna throw myself a party in the city. Gonna invite some friends, coworkers, family -- maybe even a blog reader or two. Gonna roll into middle age in style. Email me for details.

Yes, it's a bit early to be talking about my birthday, but there's a reason I'm bringing it up now. For I received my first birthday card tonight in the mail. And it did not come from my dear parents, my wonderful sisters, or from any of my friends -- not even KLB, who is incredibly punctual with her annual card. No. Let the record reflect that my first birthday card this year came from none other than New York State Senator Martin Malave Dilan, he of the 17th Senatorial District. The card -- well, it's a postcard really -- reads as follows. On the front it says "My best wishes to you on your birthday." Just underneath that, it says "Mis mejores deseos par un feliz cumpleanos." (There are a few Latinos and Latinas in the 17th Senatorial District.) And just below that, it says "Wszystkiego najleszego z okazji urodzin." (I'm not sure if that's Polish or Hebrew, but we have a few Poles and Hasidim in the 17th Senatorial District as well.)

Turn the card around, and on the back it says: "Congratulations on your Birthday. Wishing you a very special birthday!! I hope that this birthday bring you, good health, lots of love and the happiness to know that others are thinking of you." Then "Deseandole un cumpleanos muy especial!! Espero que este ano le traiga buena salud, mucho amor y felicidad de saber que otros estan pensado en usted." Then: W dniu urodzin najserdeczniejsze zyczenia pomylsnosci, zdrowia i szczescia w mlosci, Sto Lat!!!"

Each side of the card shows a small picture of Senator Dilan smiling in front of an American flag, just like the one you see above. Now, perhaps you're expecting some kind of smarmy remark, a cynical quip denigrating Senator Dilan's birthday gesture. Well you're not going to get it. I don't know where Senator Dilan stands on the issues or whether he's a Republican or Democrat (though I have my suspicions). When I opened my mailbox tonight and saw his postcard, it made me smile. The cute idea behind it, the birthday wishes in three languages, just to cover all the bases, the earnest genericness of it -- it cracked me up.

So thank you, Senator Dilan. Thank you for the kind gesture and the enthusiastic birthday wishes. You've got MY vote in the next election, that's for sure! Right after I check out your website to make sure you're not some NRA supporting pro-lifer.

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