Friday, September 26, 2008

Debate Liveblog

Russia - how do they view our relationship with Russia?

McCain is throwing elbows. Oooh, a joke. I looked into Putin's eyes, and I saw a K, a G, and a B. Hee! Haw! Now he's talking about Georgia, a war that was started by Georgia, which no one seems to talk about. He wants Georgia in NATO. That's idiotic. This is resonating with Independents. McCain does a lot of traveling. Apparently he thinks that visiting countries like Iraq and Georgia means you automatically have a great foreign policy strategy. Now he's throwing hard to pronounce names around. I wonder if Palin is practicing the same thing?

Obama: I warned the administration in April that Russia had peacekeepers in Georgia and that made no sense. We have to anticipate some of these problems. Also need an energy policy so we don't need Russia as much. Obama has a plan to make a significant investment in energy. Over 26 years, McCain voted 23 times against alternative energy.

McCain really wants that offshore drilling. Not resonating with Independents.

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