Friday, August 14, 2009

FF - Slip N' Slide

Shee-yit. It's f'n August and I haven't been to the beach ONCE this summer. Except for that trip to Montauk in June. What the hey?? I actually prefer the beach in winter when everyone's freezing their tits off, but still, I can't believe the summer is almost gone and I haven't ventured to the beach at all.

Which regret has spawned daydreams of summers past, when I was carefree and had all the time in the world. Remember Slip N' Slide? Just a thin sheet of plastic with some water on it for you to slide on. Watch out for those rocks! Lay that baby down on the wrong part of the lawn, and you'll have a raspberry on your boo-tox through Christmas. And they were always too short, like 10 yards and that's it. The world craved more!

In memory of the Slip N' Slide and endless summers past, for today's FF, I present a video or two of people showing some SNS love.

For these first two, you really have to love American ingenuity. Why go out and buy some fancy expensive yellow plastic when you can make your own in privacy of your own abode?

This one is borderline insane but looks fun as hell.

This one's for the boys (ahhhhh summer).

This one I so WANT to believe is real.

This last one is just stupid. And that's where we'll leave it.

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