Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Quack! Quack!

I heard a rumor that a lame duck is going to be giving a speech tonight. He's going to say something about addressing global warming, health care, and lowering gas consumption. Phew - just in time for him to do something about these important issues! He may even mention those two losing conflicts in which we are engaged in Iraq and Afghanistan. In accordance with his bottomfeeder approval rating, which is as low as President Nixon's following Watergate -- I am sure he will quack very humbly tonight.

I also heard a rumor that the daughter of another lame duck is sqawking some blather about Hillary Clinton and other Democratistas and Republicanos not having enough "spine" to deal with the Iraq War. Someone should tell her that her daddy duck has so much "spine" that for four years, he has lied to the American public about the reasons for going to war in Iraq. His "spine" helped start a senseless war that has killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and over 3,000 of our own soldiers, and permanently maimed tens of thousands more. If that's "spine," I'd rather be a jellyfish.

Unless Scooter Libby pulls an Ollie North, we will be hearing more about the baldfaced lies of lame duck deux in the CIA leak trial. But for now, he and lame duck numero uno should do us all a favor by waddling gracefully into the Pond of Irrelevancy and allowing more competent, more worldly, and more honest leaders an opportunity to clean up the incredible mess these two ugly ducklings made of things in only six years.

Quack! Quack!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Pond of irrelevancy. Hee hee. More like Great Lake at this point.
