Sunday, November 25, 2007

Post-Thanksgiving Musings

Homecooked meals are good. I'd forgotten. I must make homecooked meals a bigger part of my life henceforth. Hmmm, perhaps I've found a reason to take dating more seriously.

No airline snafus this time. Go figure. Smelta, I kinda like you.

Was I as obsessed with poo at the age of 6 as my nephew seems to be? I don't recall.

On a related note, kids are a hell of a lot of fun. And a hell of lot of work. I can't decide which matters more to me.

My parents are getting old. It makes me sad.

If you have siblings, then you know that there is something about a brother or sister that makes you want to hug them and slap them at the same time.

New York is my home. That other place isn't anymore, though it will always be special to me.

I fucking hate Christmas now. I know, I'm sorry. I used to love it, but this year, I saw my first Christmas commercial the day after Halloween, and now I can't stop fixating on the runaway capitalism. It's bastardized what used to be the best holiday of them all, and turned it into a thinly-veiled excuse for buying new shit. Then throw in that stupid "Wonderful Christmas" song that you can't get out of your head, and it's enough to send me to the watchtower with a rifle.

I get the shakes when I don't have Internet access for more than two days. This weekend I went without for 4 days, so you can imagine what a sorry state I was in. By Saturday, it got so bad that I drove up and down Route 1 searching in vain for an open Internet cafe. I felt like a junkie hankerin' fer some crackola.

The Boston Celtics have played twelve games and are 11-1. Last year, they didn't win their eleventh game until like January 18th, by which time they'd lost about 27. Friday night, they beat the Lakers in Boston for the first time in what seems like forever. Then on Saturday night, they beat the Charlotte Bobcats on the last shot of the game. I watched a lot of the Celtics over the weekend. That's what happens when your parents have no Internets and no decent cable movie stations.

Every time I go to visit my parents now, I get some allergy that reddens my eyes and makes me sneeze uncontrollably. It might be pollen. Or ragweed. Or maybe it's the missing Internet and HBO. Whatever it is, it's damn annoying. Thank G-d for Claritin.

It's strange how different the life is up there compared to the one I'm living down here. Suburbia v. city; house v. apartment; car v. subway; space v. no space; John Varvatos v. L.L. Bean; Irish pub v. hipster joint; Starbucks v. Dunkin' Donuts; quiet v. noisy; slow v. fast.


Sally Tomato said...

"hug them and slap them": honey, you nailed it. After 4 days with my brother I found myself vacillating between hugging him and kicking him in the nuts. Ah siblings.

Anonymous said...

It's really not nice that you talked about Sister J. like that.

Tim said...

@ST - they are precious, aren't they?

@Sister T. - don't worry, I wasn't just referring to her.