Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Where Oh Where Did I Put My Rant?

Now where the heck did I put my rant?? I know it's around here somewhere. The last time I saw it, I was screaming at the top of my blog-lungs about some outrage. What the heck was it? I can't remember for the life of me. Maybe if I retrace my steps. Aw screw it, I just haven't felt like ranting lately. It gets old. I'm into positivity now. Up with people. Yay!!!!!

Not that there isn't plenty of stuff to bitch about. The world is full of shit that still pisses me off on a regular basis. Like the 22 year-old Halliburton employee who was gang-raped by several of her fellow employees in Iraq and then locked up in a shipping container without food or water for 24 hours -- as if she were the criminal -- while Halliburton tried to cover it up. Now they're saying that the perpetrators may never get punished because they have immunity. Immunity. So they can do whatever the fuck they want over there: steal, rape, murder, and get away with it. I swear, if you don't think Halliburton and its demonic spawn Kellogg Brown and Root are being run by Satan himself, you need to pick up a newspaper once in awhile. So.... I came real close to ranting about that.

There's plenty more out there to chap my ass. Like the morons from Penn State who decided it would be real "controversial" to dress up like Virginia Tech shooting victims for Halloween. Real classy. And the CIA destroying videotapes of their waterboarding (i.e. simulated drowning, i.e. torture) of terrorist suspects. What's the matter, didn't they think we Americans could handle watching a few videos of our spy agency torturing people in our good name? Hey man, don't cut us out, we can take it. We're the people who pay to see worse shit in Hostel and Saw IV. So let us partake. Save the vids from now on.

Then there's the church shootings, the mall shootings, the missionary shootings. Shoot shoot shoot. Kill kill kill. What place of innocence will be defiled next? What's the over-under on a nursery school? Has that been done already? Every outcast loser who's feeling a little disconnected from society now wants to go out with a bang, a few seconds of posthumous fame. Just give the man a gun and some ammo, and he'll take care of the rest. No weeping, now! Let's take our medicine like good boys and girls. Query: since we never do anything to implement sensible gun control and perpetually let the NRA lobbyists bend our Congresspeople over, do we as a society deserve our bullet-ridden fate? Discuss.

Should we bomb Iran, or shouldn't we? It's like a video game. Do I take out the German installation near Berlin, or whack Dresden first? Just click a few buttons. Those aren't real, living, breathing people in Iran we're going to kill. There isn't a legitimate, democratically-elected government in Iran. There isn't a firestorm of more Muslim hatred of the West and the United States specifically that's just waiting to be unleashed as soon as the bombing starts. Oh no. That's all in your head. They'll greet us as liberators, just like Dickey said about Iraq. No worries. We'll just use some bunkerbusters, some smart bombs, some cluster bombs, some daisy cutters. We'll do a surgical strike, take out those isolated targets, those "newcular facilities," as Bushie calls them. There won't be any collateral damage, just dead, bad guy Iranians. And we won't need boots on the ground, don't worry. It's not as if we needed them in Iraq, after all.

But wait. What's that? Our intelligence agencies say that Iran stopped their nuclear program in 2003? And Bush knew this as far back as last summer, when he was saber-rattling and using words like World War III? Oh. Well slap my ass and call me monkey. Bomb them anyway! Ain't that right, Dick? Halliburton can sure make a lot of money in Iran, can't they?

So much to rant about, clearly. But it's tiring to go on a whole hog diatribe all the time. There's just too much. Too much out there. Mall shootouts during Christmas? Where the fuck are we going? Metal detectors in stores? I can barely stand watching the news anymore. And to listen to the politicians running for office, you'd think that things were pretty much okay in this country. As if our reputation all over the world isn't totally fucked right now. As if we aren't put in greater danger by home-grown suicide shooters who strike every other week it seems, than we are by foreign terrorists who come along once every seven years. Why isn't anyone talking about this? It's because the media has its head up its ass, and intentionally so. It's all about advertising money now and they're all owned by like 10 or 15 corporations. That doesn't make for a very independent media, now does it?

I'm embarrassed for us sometimes. For how low we've sunk in such a short time. It doesn't take much incompetence from our leaders to get us in a world of mess, does it? Well, this fish has been rotting from the head down for the past seven years, and it's time to fucking clean house.

Heyyyyy, I think I found my rant! Thanks for helping me look.

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