Friday, September 26, 2008

Debate Liveblog

Iran. What to do?

McCain: It's an "existential threat" to Israel. We cannot allow a second Holocaust. There's a no-brainer. Russia is preventing significant action in the Security Council. McCain is proposing a League of Democracies to impose sanctions on the Iranians. I wonder if that's like the Justice League. Have no doubt that the Iranians continue on the path of the acquisition of a nuclear weapon as we speak tonight and they are putting the most lethal IEDs in Iraq. They are bad, BAD!

Obama: He believes the Republican Guard is a terrorist organization. The single thing that has strengthened Iran is the war in Iraq. Its influence has grown since the war started. So the policy over the last 8 years has not worked. Obama doesn't want a nuclear Iran either. It could start an arms race in the Middle East. He thinks we need cooperation from Russian and China, which have interests in Iran. Obama wants diplomacy with Iran. He wants to talk to Iran. All three parties like it.

McCain: skewering Obama for saying he would agree to talk to the leaders of Iran, Venezuela, and Cuba. Not making much of a dent with Independents. Looks like they want us to talk. I think he's spinning Obama's position on this.

Obama: reserves the right to meet with anyone at a time of his choosing, if it will advance the interests of the United States. Kissinger said we should meet with Iran without preconditions. Kissinger is a McCain advisor. Obama handled this one well. And if it doesn't work, he says, it strengthens our hand to impose sanctions. McCain said the other day he might not meet with the leader of Spain. Wha??

Obama hit this out of the park.

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